5 things to do just for you

A little bit of self-care goes a long way. We all get stressed at some point, but do we stop and think, maybe I should look after myself a bit? No, more often than not, we just get on with it. Self-love is pretty darn important, so if you’re feeling a little stressed or overworked, here is a reminder to give yourself a little TLC. Here are five things you can do, just for you:

1.     Indulge in a half hour of your favourite book/magazine (like this one)/tv show/game. Give yourself the time and give your self the permission! Set aside time to unwind and allow it to be guilt free, it’s a win-win.

2.     Pamper yourself! Whether it’s a bath, a super long shower, a DIY face mask or doing your nails, give yourself a timeslot to look after that bod in whatever way brings you the most happiness.

3.     Get outside and put your phone down. Take a walk, hike a mountain, hop on a bike, stroll on the shore, jog around the block, just find a way to get some fresh air and some time away from your phone.

4.     Make your favourite drink. I’m not one to judge, some days that drink is a double gin and tonic, other days it’s a pot of herbal tea.

5.     Pet an animal! A floof of any kind is guaranteed to make you feel better


Kendra Appleton