Freelance Content Writing

I specialise in producing lifestyle content such as short articles, listicles and feature articles for magazines, blogs and websites. To create interesting and engaging content I incorporate both critical and creative thinking. I have a laid back, approachable tone, best suited to young adults aged 18-30 years.


I have been acting professionally for T.V and film since 2010. Progressing from small guest roles on television shows to main roles in feature films, my growth is visible and continual. I am determined to pursue learning all that I can about my craft. 

Children's Literature Writing

Since helping in the publication process of How to be awesome by Blake McKenzie, acting as the author's personal assistant, I have been drawn to creating enriching and entertaining literature for children. I have completed a draft of a manuscript for a children's picture book that I am seeking a publishing deal for.  I would be interested in any kind of collaboration with other authors, illustrators and educators.